Generations at the Workplace
Silent generation 1925 - 1944
Baby boomers 1945 - 1964
X geneation 1965 - 1979
Y geneation 1980 - 1994
Z generation 1995 - 2010
Today's business environment may be the first in history to span five different generations in itself. For managers, managing multiple generations in the workplace is not as easy as as it sounds. Each specific generation has different expectations and communication style and may have perspective. However, creating a management strategy that addresses with the specific characteristics of different generations in the workplace, can allow us to capitalize the corresponding strengths of the given generation, giving the company an advantage over its competitors opposite.
Generations at the Workplace
The goal of the training is to point out how our hidden prejudices can lead to random discriminatory decisions regarding the cooperation of different generations, in our leadership, when selecting our new colleagues, when evaluating performance, during promotion decisions and in many other interactions with colleagues. During the training, we get to know the different generations, their motivations and the characteristics of their attitudes. We can raise awareness of our hitherto unconscious prejudices regarding other age groups. This can be the first step in overcoming them and changing our habits. However, our training goes beyond awareness and also puts practical tools in the hands of the participants. The training helps to recognize processes that which result in homogeneity which suppress curiosity and openness which lead to bias against others which exclude, alienate and possibly remove certain groups from the company.
Duration: 0.5 days